
she/he . 21


warning: i am a stem major and i make it everyone else's problemfollow me for minecraft art and lesbian shenanigans

minecraft (qsmp), tf2, skullgirls, one piece, witch hat atelier, bcs & brba, mp100, soul eater, diablo, and league (sorry)

bold = current hyperfixation(s)

jerma, connor, quackity, roier
vinia (when prns are she/he) vince (when prns are he/she) vinny or vin whenever ♡
✘ proshippers ✘


hiii.. you're funny for clicking this. i like you.

tutorial on how to not get doxed because i love cybersecurity

- do not post any real personal information.
- lie about your personal information. assume a different identity.
- the fourth amendment won't protect you online
- never post pictures of recognizable locations or places you frequent.
- honestly. to be super safe. don't even post pictures of anything. people have gotten doxed from pictures of their bedsheets.
- be safe and have fun !!